I was thrilled to see an online article regarding Introverts. I think too often our culture expects everyone to be an extrovert and introverts are often perceived as being "depressed" or "unhappy" in some way.
People seem to need to get an introvert "out of the house" not realizing that they don't want to go out of the house, they are trying to get into the house. I love the author's requests that people not talk to him in a line or if they don't know him. So many people are treated as odd if they don't like to chat up everyone in a line or fall into conversation with complete strangers. Introverts enjoy their quiet and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Introverts enjoy being at home, even alone. This is when they recharge and refuel. Introverts like to sit quietly and read on the bus or the subway. They don't want to engage in chat with the person sitting next to them. They enjoy their quiet time to feed their minds. Introverts can sit with another person and just be quiet. I think a lot of people feel very uncomfortable sitting in silence and talk to fill the void. But it's nice to just be with another person without having to talk. Introverts can be alone without feeling lonely. They enjoy it, they crave it. The thought of being alone horrifies some people. They simply cannot tolerate it and imagine everyone else is the same. To see an introvert staying at home alone strikes fear in their hearts and they may attempt Herculean efforts to get the introvert "out" in an attempt to save him or her. But introverts thrive on aloneness and require it to regenerate themselves.
I think a lot of introverts feel pressured to "fake" being extroverts. I think our culture emphasizes extroversion and defines it as the "norm". But it's only the "norm" for half of the people. The other half, introverts, are just as "normal".
So go out and don't talk to an introvert today!
See the original article: The Care and Feeding of an Introvert