If you were the scapegoat in your family odds are you replicate that role in your adult relationships. It is possible to stop this pattern by changing your own behavior.
I learned today that this time of year is one of the busiest for the family court system. Other busy times? Spring break and summer vacation. Why? Parents initiating custody battles over possession of their children.
Therapists sometimes develop effective therapeutic interventions in very unusual ways. I discovered a powerful intervention for olfactory flashbacks by mere coincidence.
...one woman is courageously documenting her process of healing, including her battles with the psychiatric community and their insistence on diagnosing and medicating her. You can read her blog at Invincible Summers. I highly recommend it.
Often, when walking alone at night scanning the environment for danger, I have had minority males accuse me of being racist. "You thought the Mexican was going to get you, huh?" "You're keeping an eye on the Black guy, hmm?" You bet I am. But not because you're Mexican or Black. Because you're male.
My video collection is inexplicable, unless you understand its purpose. The only movies I actually purchase to keep are those which are safe and make me laugh. I know no one dies, there is no violence, no animals are killed or harmed in the viewing of this movie and it makes me laugh.