It was a sad day here in Austin as we watched yet another student of the University of Texas shoot himself to death. We are reminded of Charles Whitman who did the same thing in 1966.
Political aspects? Bad guys? There were no bad guys. Just one young man in a tremendous amount of pain, with an AK-47. No one asks what a 19 year old boy was doing with an AK-47. Who sold it to him?
The family has lost a bright young man and our society has lost the potential he might have had. People describe him as quiet and "the person least likely to do this". A family member described him as showing "no emotions" prior to the shooting. But it is the quiet ones you have to watch. The ones who hold everything in. We haven't learned this yet.
Counseling might have saved him. If only he had come. If only someone had recognized how great his pain was. But our culture demands that men be stoic and unemotional. Sadness or despair are considered signs of weakness. We leave them few other choices. And UT usually hires counselor interns, because they are cheaper. So perhaps they would have missed the quiet desperation too - like everyone else.