I'm watching a fellow staff member get Scapegoated. You can tell she was the Hero of her family of origin and this sudden shift in roles is rocking her world.
She had previously worked in another department where she was the star. She was competent and well loved by her staff. She created a supportive environment where employees were valued and things ran quite well. Then she was transferred.
Her new boss is extremely insecure and punitive. She micromanages and immediately assumes guilt of her staff rather than finding out what actually happened. She is very blaming and punishing.
Enter the former Hero. As second in command to this boss she is immediately blamed for everything the boss gets wrong. And watching this process is painful and sad. She has a look in her eyes of someone haunted, like a deer caught in the headlights. I have to wonder if she isn't reeling from this sudden role reversal. I imagine that she cannot fathom what on Earth has gone wrong, or how to fix it.
My heart goes out to her.